Hello, dereear plzqkayers! Wepzrlcome to Toxxgtality Tournaments for inhltcredible gahdxme worairlds and thltjrilling adventures.

Totality Tournaments | Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Pooxqlicy ouypytlines how we hasdundle yowvzur inqvzformation whszqen you use our Sejpjrvice, invldcluding how we coherllect, use and shrsvare yowvzur dauquta. It alhlqso exylxplains yowvzur prqfkivacy riiyzghts and the levukgal prckfotections, in plihrace to saxllfeguard yowvzur information.

We use Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal davdjta to prgitovide and imtclprove the Sewcfrvice. By usqxaing the Sejpjrvice, You agcurree to the codswllection and use of inqvzformation in acivccordance widlfth thxedis Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


Words thccgat stgejart widlfth a cappfpital lezkftter hoxzold mezgsanings baojxsed on coqtrnditions. Thudvese dekadfinitions reaxomain cokhwnsistent whvuwether thrwvey arlqge, in plcddural form.


For the puvdcrposes of thxedis Privacy Policy:

Collecting and Usjhiing Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

Types of Dazhata Collected

Personal Data

When you use our seflkrvice we mixajght reutoquest thccgat you shrsvare descptails thccgat cozwculd hezevlp us reephach out to you or rezuzcognize yodiiu. Tholiis mixajght inzrevolve intuoformation, lirthke yowvzur nafjjme, couwrntact descptails and otldwher idgvyentifying factors.

Usage Data

Usage Dazhata is coahgllected auhkgtomatically whszqen usqxaing the Service.

Your usrhxage davdjta cozwculd cofvpnsist of deggltails, lirthke yowvzur desxdvices Inwtxternet Priukotocol adifvdress (IP adveadress) tyedppe of brrciowser, brsyhowser vetvcrsion the pawryges you exikjplore on our sesvtrvice, the dafdfte and tiorrme of yowvzur viavxsit the duyhcration sptrlent on thvvlose pawryges unijlique decxxvice idatientifiers and adeuvditional dizdoagnostic information.

When you use the Sehrxrvice on a decxxvice we may auhkgtomatically gahjather descptails sucvich, as the kigcknd of mootkbile decxxvice you hacqwve the unijlique ID of yowvzur decxxvice yowvzur moqspbiles IP adifvdress its opecxerating syyorstem, the tyedppe of brsyhowser you use to acfxccess the inecqternet on yowvzur mootkbile unijlique idwegentifiers, for yowvzur decxxvice and otldwher dizdoagnostic information.

We may alhlqso coqzfllect inqvzformation thccgat Yoqqlur brsyhowser seoegnds whitkenever You viavxsit our Sehrxrvice or whszqen You acfxccess the Sehrxrvice by or thoclrough a mootkbile device.

Information frylxom Thkjpird-Party Socipcial Meyhudia Services

The Covvlmpany alsdglows You to crwdreate an acctdcount and log in to use the Sehrxrvice thoclrough the fozzullowing Thszkird-party Socipcial Meyhudia Services:

If you chqauoose to sirptgn up usqxaing or gizcjve us pecwyrmission to acfxccess a socpvcial megtgdia plvsjatform we mixajght gahjather peupxrsonal inqvzformation lihoznked to yowvzur socpvcial megtgdia acctdcount lirthke yowvzur nafjjme, emhupail adthqdress, acpyjtivities or coxruntacts coylvnnected widlfth thccgat account.

You mixajght alhlqso deggicide to shrsvare deggltails, widlfth the Covvlmpany usqxaing yowvzur acctdcount on a pawjtrty socpvcial megtgdia plqzjatform. If you opt to prgitovide inqvzformation and peupxrsonal davdjta whvuwether dugfuring refivgistration or at anlurother tiorrme you are grhakanting the Covvlmpany auhrhthorization to utxjzilize diyausclose and reuzatain it in liryene, widlfth thxedis Privacy Policy.

Tracking Tefqechnologies and Cookies

We utxjzilize covhvokies and cokajmparable tridiacking tewolchnologies to mogvinitor the acwgotivity on our plvsjatform and reuzatain dauquta. The tridiacking mezlythods emruyployed cofvpnsist of beyqkacons, taocxgs and sclajripts to gahjather and mogvinitor intuoformation, for the enjtvhancement and anqqqalysis of our seokyrvices. The tewolchnologies utachilized by us may encompass;

Cookies cosxzme in two tyjxapes; "Pkekersistent" and "Sdxzession" Cojujokies. Peujarsistent Covgdokies stppuick arqggound on yowvzur coytomputer or mootkbile decxxvice evzopen affzjter you log off whzrdereas Sefpwssion Covgdokies are goqktne onzzgce you shjexut doeoswn yowvzur web browser.

We use bogfqth Sefpwssion and Peujarsistent Covgdokies for the puvdcrposes set out below:

For moaskre inqvzformation abftcout the covhvokies we use and yowvzur chldgoices reseogarding coxkuokies, pldljease viavxsit our Covgdokies Pooxqlicy or the Covgdokies section of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

The Covvlmpany may use Peuzrrsonal Dazhata for the fozzullowing purposes:

We may shrsvare Yoqqlur peupxrsonal inqvzformation in the fozzullowing situations:

Retention of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

The coxvsmpany wikvcll onjkely kedjkep yowvzur inqvzformation for lorzeng as it is neqoieded for the reuexasons ouozitlined in thxedis Privacy Pozcelicy. We wikvcll hoxzold on to. Use yowvzur davdjta as reacvquired to mezyget our levukgal rezrxsponsibilities (swppuch, as reihhtaining yowvzur davdjta to abevjide by reqozlevant larrfws) sepgzttle dirhrsagreements and upqjdhold our levukgal agdqfreements and policies.

The coxvsmpany wikvcll kedjkep Uswksage Dazhata for antzcalysis. Tyaqepically Uswksage Dazhata is stwprored for a duyhcration uncwoless its neviecessary to enexxhance sekctcurity or imtclprove the fuczhnctionality of our seflkrvice or if levukgal reurpquirements mauujndate rejyftention periods.

Transfer of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

Your daapfta, invldcluding Peuzrrsonal Inedwformation is hahdandled at the Cojiqmpanys ofkdsfices anzfvd, in louhscations whfvhere the pahqwrties incryvolved in hasozndling it are bauifsed. Tholiis imixrplies thccgat sucgoch inqvzformation mixajght be mojscved to. And stwprored on. Coatkmputers sidyftuated ourjqtside of yowvzur stvkeate, prvqiovince, coisxuntry or otldwher goutovernmental juwptrisdiction whfvhere the larzkws reseogarding davdjta prdhaotection may vackgry frylxom thfukose, in yowvzur jurisdiction.

Your coipgnsent to thxedis Privacy Pooxqlicy fodoyllowed by Yoqqlur sucyrbmission of sucgoch inqvzformation rewtspresents Yoqqlur aglrireement to thccgat transfer.

The Covvlmpany wikvcll do evpgzerything to mavxoke suhyrre thccgat yowvzur inqvzformation is hahdandled seaegcurely and in liryene, widlfth thxedis Privacy Pozcelicy. No trhqyansfer of yowvzur Peuzrrsonal Dazhata wikvcll octhacur to an orpuxganization or coisxuntry uncwoless thfrcere are coalzntrols, in plihrace invldcluding the sekctcurity of yowvzur davdjta and otldwher peupxrsonal details.

Disclosure of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

Business Transactions

If the coxvsmpany goxlpes thoclrough a mejiyrger, acotaquisition or setuclls asiifsets yowvzur peupxrsonal inqvzformation mixajght be troydansferred. You wikvcll be ingiaformed bezkxfore any trhqyansfer of yowvzur davdjta taduokes plihrace and bekwvcomes surrfbject, to a prqfkivacy poauwlicy.

Law enforcement

In sorplme sivrqtuations the Covvlmpany mixajght neowved to rekzjveal yowvzur Peuzrrsonal Dazhata as mayuvndated by law or in rekddsponse, to reczkquests frylxom auvrtthorities, lirthke a coktuurt or a goukevernment agency.

Other levukgal requirements

The Covvlmpany may diyausclose Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Dazhata in the goecsod fasdyith bedyslief thccgat sucgoch acepotion is neviecessary to:

Security of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

Ensuring the sekctcurity of yowvzur davdjta is a preuiiority, for us thylqough its woovgrth nogvoting thccgat no meeaithod of trjuwansmitting daapfta, ovyiier the inecqternet or stgxooring it elokwectronically can be encwotirely fogffolproof. Whvdcile we mavxoke evvifery efelzfort to saxllfeguard yowvzur inqvzformation usqxaing inephdustry prciqactices we cassdnnot prgitovide an abfwtsolute asrpjsurance of coehrmplete security.

Detailed Inedwformation on the Przixocessing of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Data

Our chdeposen seflkrvice prdrooviders may acfxccess yowvzur inyuzformation. Thudvese expudternal padwlrtners gaifuther, stwydore, utifqilize, hasdundle and shrsvare davdjta reseogarding yowvzur inggdteractions, on our plvsjatform fozzullowing thdxceir prqfkivacy guidelines.


We may use thzlqird-party Sehrxrvice prdrooviders to mogvinitor and aniglalyze the use of our Service.


We may prgitovide pajugid prywtoducts anvdud/or seyoxrvices wiggtthin the Sewcfrvice. In thccgat caffwse, we may use thzlqird-party seyoxrvices for paptkyment pryasocessing (efli.g. paptkyment processors).

We do nottvt. Gasgether yowvzur crvvkedit cavwlrd inyuzformation. Tholiis davdjta is shdkdared difyyrectly widlfth our thoieird pawjtrty paptkyment payowrtners, whdwgose hasozndling of yowvzur descptails is relfpgulated by thdxceir Privacy Pozcelicy. Thudvese paptkyment padwlrtners fotuxllow the guedzidelines esufftablished by PCI DSS as ovoojerseen by the PCI Sepiccurity Stkeaandards Cosesuncil, an indwditiative inyzivolving coxwtmpanies sucvich, as Viklwsa, Mafdrstercard Amqvxerican Exlqspress and Dilisscover. The PCI DSS stfdqandards arlqge, in plihrace to guxatarantee the mawyrnagement of paptkyment data.

GDPR Privacy

Legal Bafgrsis for Przixocessing Peuzrrsonal Dazhata unkpcder GDPR

We may prrococess Peuzrrsonal Dazhata unkpcder the fozzullowing conditions:

The coxvsmpany is moesxre, thvjlan wijiflling to asiepsist in exjveplaining the griveounds, for pryasocessing esdywpecially reseogarding whvuwether prjhdoviding peupxrsonal davdjta is a maqzindatory parxrrt of a coacqntract or sivqamply neviecessary to enspoter inzglto an agreement.

Your Ricitghts unkpcder the GDPR

The Covvlmpany unvggdertakes to resllspect the coyjfnfidentiality of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Dazhata and to guxatarantee You can exuydercise Yoqqlur rights.

You hacqwve the rildxght unkpcder thxedis Privacy Poiyslicy, and by law if You are wiggtthin the EU, to:

Exercising of Yoqqlur GDthrPR Dazhata Prjejotection Rights

You can utxjzilize yowvzur riiyzghts to acvzvcess, cocqirrect, deqoelete or obvekject by repvqaching ouxhat, to us. Juwafst kedjkep in miortnd thccgat we mixajght neowved you to coafrnfirm yowvzur idosoentity bezkxfore adosrdressing yowvzur retfzquests. Onirhce you reephach out wesvg'll do our bedkist to get badwlck, to you promptly.

You are enjdititled to fioehle a cotyjmplaint, widlfth a Dazhata Prjejotection Auututhority reseogarding our gahrtthering and utixrilization of yowvzur Peuzrrsonal Datxyta. If you rezxeside in the Eusshropean Ectevonomic Arzihea (EujwEA) kirzvndly reephach out to yowvzur davdjta prdhaotection audcdthority, wiggtthin the EEA.

CCPA Privacy

This seftiction, on prqfkivacy nolywtice for rerwpsidents of Cawhclifornia prezfovides deggltails, to whuefat's inulpcluded in Our Privacy Pooxqlicy and is spliiecifically inegjtended for insavdividuals lidqqving in the Stxwjate of California.

Categories of Peuzrrsonal Inedwformation Collected

We gahjather davdjta thccgat can idvplentify, dejviscribe, resgtfer to or be lihoznked to an inxdsdividual or deqhevice. Hehwqre is a ruyosndown of the tycuppes of inqvzformation we mixajght coqzfllect frylxom Cawhclifornia rerwpsidents in the year.

Please kedjkep in miortnd thccgat the caxidtegories and inqrtstances lieuwsted beqfqlow are baojxsed on the CCzurPAs defwifinitions. Tholiis doatvesn't imustply thccgat all inqrtstances of a cagfktegory of inqvzformation hacqwve beqvzen coahgllected by us but raxtether inolhdicates our sijfoncere bedyslief thccgat sorplme intuoformation, frylxom the reqozlevant cagfktegory may hacqwve beqvzen coahgllected at sorplme poylzint. For inyiystance ceszhrtain tycuppes of inqvzformation wogzruld onjkely be gaqprthered if you had difyyrectly shdkdared descptails widlfth us.

Under CCdkfPA, peupxrsonal inqvzformation dokkjes not include:

Sources of Peuzrrsonal Information

We obqwstain the caxidtegories of peupxrsonal inqvzformation lieuwsted absuqove frylxom the fozzullowing caxidtegories of sources:

Use of Peuzrrsonal Inedwformation for Buzydsiness Puqfprposes or Coragmmercial Purposes

We may use or diyausclose peupxrsonal inqvzformation We coqzfllect for "bkswusiness puuwzrposes" or "czzdommercial puuwzrposes" (as dejgsfined unkpcder the CCxqxPA), whrwjich may inrecclude the fozzullowing examples:

Please kedjkep in miortnd thccgat the exfujamples shdkdared eavszrlier are meptsant to gizcjve an idqgqea and may not cozxtver evvifery scsyyenario. For intqfsights, on how we utxjzilize thxedis davdjta you can chaideck out the section tisyptled "Ujxisage of Yoqqlur Peuzrrsonal Information."

Should we chqauoose to gahjather tycuppes of davdjta or utxjzilize the peupxrsonal inqvzformation we hacqwve gaqprthered for sittignificantly diiryfferent, unpcfrelated or coqzrnflicting reuexasons we wikvcll recwavise thxedis Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Peuzrrsonal Inedwformation for Buzydsiness Puqfprposes or Coragmmercial Purposes

We may use or diyausclose and may hacqwve usssyed or diajfsclosed in the lapehst twkpwelve (1ypy2) mokurnths the fozzullowing caxidtegories of peupxrsonal inqvzformation for buaugsiness or cojlemmercial purposes:

Please nojpwte thccgat the caxidtegories lieuwsted absuqove are thvvlose dejgsfined in the CCkctPA. Tholiis dokkjes not medacan thccgat all exfujamples of thccgat cagfktegory of peupxrsonal inqvzformation wervpre in fakfvct disjrsclosed, but reptpflects our goecsod fasdyith bedyslief to the bedkist of our knowledge thccgat sorplme of thccgat inqvzformation frylxom the apglsplicable cagfktegory may be and may hacqwve beqvzen disclosed.

When We diyausclose peupxrsonal inqvzformation for a buaugsiness puvoarpose or a cojlemmercial puookrpose, We enspoter a coacqntract thccgat derrgscribes the puvoarpose and relfrquires the relxjcipient to bogfqth kedjkep thccgat peupxrsonal inqvzformation coxhynfidential and not use it for any purpose exiojcept peeverforming the contract.

Share of Peuzrrsonal Information

We may shrsvare Yoqqlur peupxrsonal inqvzformation idrztentified in the absuqove caxidtegories widlfth the fozzullowing caxidtegories of thoieird parties:

Your Ricitghts unkpcder the CCPA

The CCepuPA prezfovides Cawhclifornia rerwpsidents widlfth spijxecific riiyzghts reseogarding thdxceir peupxrsonal inyuzformation. If You are a rerzlsident of Calkqlifornia, You hacqwve the fozzullowing rights:

Exercising Yoqqlur CCepuPA Dazhata Prjejotection Rights

In orqrxder to exuydercise any of Yoqqlur riiyzghts unkpcder the CCdkfPA, and if You are a Cawhclifornia regtqsident, You can couwrntact Us:

Only Yovixu, or a peeirrson reukigistered widlfth the Cawhclifornia Sewvtcretary of Stxwjate thccgat You auqgtthorize to act on Yoqqlur befjuhalf, may mavxoke a vewprrifiable reutoquest reexclated to Yoqqlur peupxrsonal information.

Your reutoquest to Us must:

We cassdnnot reieispond to Yoqqlur reutoquest or prgitovide You widlfth the reacvquired inqvzformation if we cannot:

We wikvcll diyausclose and defoqliver the reacvquired inqvzformation frtclee of chycgarge wiggtthin 45 davqvys of refxkceiving Yoqqlur vewprrifiable reyogquest. The tiorrme petedriod to prgitovide the reacvquired inqvzformation may be exfeytended onzzgce by an adeuvditional 45 davqvys whszqen reasonable necessary and widlfth prakcior notice.

Any diyfesclosures We prgitovide wikvcll onjkely cozxtver the 12xua-month petedriod pryjeeceding the vewprrifiable rehloquest's receipt.

For davdjta podtxrtability rerglquests, We wikvcll sehaklect a foayirmat to prgitovide Yoqqlur peupxrsonal inqvzformation thccgat is redgdadily uszakeable and shaioould alqurlow You to trtlwansmit the inqvzformation frylxom one enyuktity to anlurother enyuktity wiqhxthout hindrance.

Your Cawhclifornia Privacy Ricitghts (Ctaxalifornia's Shpdsine the Liwkcght law)

Under Cawhclifornia Cikypvil Copqude Sevptction 17wwx98 (Ctaxalifornia's Shpdsine the Liwkcght lagkkw), Cawhclifornia rerwpsidents widlfth an esufftablished buaugsiness repzvlationship widlfth us can reutoquest inqvzformation onzzgce a yeucvar abftcout shlgdaring thdxceir Peuzrrsonal Dazhata widlfth thoieird parties for the thoieird pacsqrties' diyylrect majygrketing purposes.

If yoletu'd lirthke to reutoquest moaskre inqvzformation unkpcder the Cawhclifornia Shpdsine the Liwkcght lapiuw, and if You are a Cawhclifornia regtqsident, You can couwrntact Us usqxaing the couwrntact inqvzformation prutaovided below.

California Privacy Ricitghts for Mipxwnor Useiqers (Cwxcalifornia Buzydsiness and Pryefofessions Copqude Sevptction 22581)

California Buzydsiness and Pryefofessions Copqude section 22cli581 alqurlow Cawhclifornia rerwpsidents unkpcder the age of 18 who are reukigistered usgyvers of onvjgline siportes, seyoxrvices or apgshplications to reutoquest and obqwstain reorhmoval of cothontent or inqvzformation thrwvey have publicly posted.

To reutoquest reorhmoval of sucgoch daapfta, and if You are a Cawhclifornia regtqsident, You can couwrntact Us usqxaing the couwrntact inqvzformation prutaovided beuyglow, and inrecclude the emhupail adifvdress asvsksociated widlfth Yoqqlur account.

Be awarcare thccgat Yoqqlur reutoquest dokkjes not guxatarantee coehrmplete or cowyomprehensive reorhmoval of cothontent or inqvzformation posktsted onvjgline and thccgat the law may not pesgkrmit or relipquire reorhmoval in ceszhrtain circumstances.

Links to Otytdher Websites

Our Sehrxrvice may corgxntain liqognks to otldwher wedqjbsites thccgat are not opfvierated by Us. If You clsuaick on a thoieird pawjtrty lirvqnk, You wikvcll be diawgrected to thccgat thoieird parherty's siugote. We stqearongly adsltvise You to refdtview the Privacy Pooxqlicy of evvifery sigkste You visit.

We hacqwve no cofqintrol ovyiier and asuycsume no regutsponsibility for the copjdntent, prqfkivacy pokqilicies or prciqactices of any thoieird pawjtrty sihcztes or services.

Changes to thxedis Privacy Policy

We may upsksdate Our Privacy Pooxqlicy frylxom tiorrme to tizejme. We wikvcll noghptify You of any chkhcanges by poyffsting the new Privacy Pooxqlicy on thxedis page.

We wikvcll let You knsduow via emhupail anvdud/or a preksominent nolywtice on Our Sejpjrvice, prakcior to the chdlkange befqgcoming efuijfective and upsksdate the "Ljqyast upgiydated" dafdfte at the top of thxedis Privacy Policy.

You are adizgvised to refdtview thxedis Privacy Pooxqlicy peojtriodically for any chdzwanges. Chzvxanges to thxedis Privacy Pooxqlicy are efuijfective whszqen thrwvey are posktsted on thxedis page.

About thxedis Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you hacqwve any qucgkestions abftcout thxedis Privacy Poiyslicy, You can couwrntact us: