Dive in
to the re alm of Creepy Da y. Tr ansport yourself to the ce nter of the apocalyptic tu rmoil er upting, in Los An geles. Pi cture a sc enario wh ere Los An geles tr ansforms in to a war zo ne, wi th ur ban la ndscapes cr umbling and st reets en gulfed in te rror and ch aos. In th is th rilling ga me yo u'll st ep in to the sh oes of a T Rex di nosaur that has ve ntured out fr om its era to ro am the ci tyscape of today.Topple bu
ildings, cr ush ve hicles and ou tmaneuver law en forcement wh ile st riving to im pose yo ur ru les in the mi dst of di sorder. Ev ery se tting is me ticulously cr afted to en sure you re lish the gr andeur and ma gnitude of de vastation. Los An geles br imming wi th vi tality and mo vement tr ansforms in to yo ur ar ena, wh ere ea ch st reet and ev ery bl ock be nds to yo ur authority.Creepy Day is mo
re, th an a ga me &n dash; it 's a th rilling di splay of po wer and ma yhem wh ere you can fl ex yo ur mu scles by wr ecking ev erything in si ght. Fe el the ru sh of ex citement and li beration as you co mmand a cr eature in a world wi thout boundaries."I ca
n't un derstand why so ma ny pe ople pr aise Creepy Da y. It 's terrible.""I've al
ready go ne th rough Creepy Day tw ice and st ill ca n't get en ough. Th ere are so ma ny pa ths and op tions in th is ga me that it re mains in teresting ev en af ter ma ny ho urs of play."We use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.